I walk away…

Today was the last day of a 28 day straight radiation regimen. Today is also exactly 7 1/2 months since Lola dropped into my life. It’s been a fast and furious journey. One that not only caught me by surprise but taught me more than I ever considered imaginable.

I walk away, today, with bruised and burned skin, a ticket to fall asleep at 7p.m., and gratitude that I don’t feel worse.

I walk away with motivation and determination, compassion and understanding, and a handful of new friendships I’ve made as I sat waiting among the bravest people with the most contagious attitudes. Each of their stories more challenging than my own.

I walk away having met too many doctors, P.A.’s, nurses, CNA’s, technicians, and social workers but thankful to each and every one of them. Not only did you save my life, but you also gave me a safe place to let go. You nurtured, protected, defended, and most importantly, you listened to me. Your dedication and passion gave me a second chance at life and the opportunity to live it fully.

I walk away knowing that the next phase is reconstruction; my body, soul, and mind. I will face this last hurdle with some trepidation but mostly with anticipation of finishing this journey.

And again, Lola, I am still standing and can still walk away.


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1 Response to I walk away…

  1. Evonne Shannon says:

    So happy for you Teresa!😃 You are in my prayers. May God bless you for the rest of you journey. Love you, Enonne💓

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